
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." matt 13:44

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 07, 2004


This weekend was amazing! Starting with the great food at Montibellos. I've been praying that God would teach brian how to rest but this weekend he really taught me too. Saturday we just slept in, and went for a late lunch picnic (at riverside park) after catching up with some friends on Rivermont. That night we just hung out and read together. I love spending time with that boy!
this blog thing is so much fun. i can write what is in my mind.. it is so freeing.
Thanks for teaching me how to rest. Ahava.


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