
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." matt 13:44

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oh how i've missed you

We've finally got our very own internet, after bumming off our neighbors for the past 4 years. So to make it up to them we didn't password protect ours this time. Soooo I'm back. I have missed blogging so much. Every time i would think of coming back, i just thought no that's not witty enough or that's not important. Well i've decided to blog and i'm going to write what is on my mind. I just want to be faithful. Which is another reason why i haven't posted anything. I thought if i start then i don't keep up then i've let myself down again. But here it is. Me. no caps, no spell check or grammar check and some serious run on sentences. When i go back to my old posts to see what was going on. I'm always glad i wrote it somewhere. Here's to new beginnings. I'm so excited!

The Great news is that we are pregnant with #2! Yippee! i have been praying for a boy for months now. I had such a great pregnancy and delivery with Luce that i was just dying to do it again. Plus my great Dr. Phemister just makes you want to get knocked up so you can go see him again. Dr Bakers girls know what i'm talking about. So yes after a long time of deciding if i was going to leave the practice and go to Forest Women's Center or not i've decided i'm staying with my favorite doctor. I was so worried that i'd get one of the less liked doctors at our practice i was going to leave. But i can't. I was really making that choice out of fear anyway and i don't want to have any fear in this pregnancy either. We are 3 mos pregnant and pretty excited about this new little one. I've had some pretty bad days and weeks sitting around watching Gilmore Girls and sleeping every time Lucy does. Poor tired Brian comes home and takes care of Lucy for me. Good news is i'm over the ginger ale and saltines, i've graduated to orange juice - lots of orange juice and cheetos and pickles. Pretty much eating that all day long. Luce loves the pickles too.

The update on the house is not such a happy story. We saw Yeardley 323 for the first time in September and it took us a long time to decide we wanted to live there and get the kind of loan we needed to redo the kitchen, the floors and add the new bathroom. The house is in really bad shape. It is basically a party house. Take a look. So needless to say if we ever got this house we would have to pressure wash it in Holy Water before we could actually live in it. The closing was a couple of weeks ago but no we don't own the house. The owner who was about to be foreclosed on decided she wasn't making enough or something and ditches her realtor and us and never showed up. He still has no idea where she is. We just talked to him yesterday and basically she still owns the house not the bank, so we can't get it. it's not for sale. i can't believe we have been looking for a house for this long. It's just so crazy. I've always loved this apartment (Except for grocery day, we are on the 2nd floor) but it's just getting to be tight. This baby keeps on growing inside me and Lucy sleeps in her closet bedroom so i can have a craft room and i want a house soo badly. We loved this Yeardley house so much specifically because of the location. it was backed up to Alistair Mcphersons house, across the street from Kelly a block from the Ashcrofts, walking distance from both Torrences. So sad that we didn't get it. But- the good news is that that loan we were getting into was all wrong. I'm so glad God saved us from that. It was way more than we planned on getting it for and the closing costs were astronomical! I am such a mix of thankfulness that he kept us from that loan but so sad that we have to start over. It's kinda like being dumped at the altar.

Brian and i have decided we aren't going to start "dating" right away. It's so easy to get sucked into the search and just go crazy with it all again. it's so addicting, tiring and draining. We have decided we are giving up the search for Lent. If someone mentions a house we should see then maybe we'll see it on a Sunday, but as for us, our Safari will stay away from Lynchburg MLS.

I got an email recently from Soule Mama. I had asked her for some advice on my blog and being myself and being faithful in posting. She was so encouraging. I love her blog. take a look it will make you want to spend more time with your kids, making things, and getting away from your computer. Crazy how she does that WITH her computer. Thanks Soule Mama!

Well that's me for now. lets see how faithful i can be on my "new" blog.

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At 4:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you're back to posting joy! Can't wait to read your take on life, run on sentences and all.

And so glad you're coming to terms with the house situation. I know how frustrating finding a house can be, but you guys are so wise in trusting the Lord. Blessings will flow because of that!

Love you!

At 10:56 AM, Blogger heather said...

hey!! i'm SO excited that you're blogging again - it's such a great way to connect with you!! i love to read your writing.

also - i owe you an e-mail back. :) thanks for e-mailing me...i'll get back to it, but i want to have a few minutes to do it justice.

love you and miss you SO MUCH!!

At 12:52 PM, Blogger KellyLee said...

I can NOT believe they have a MySpace dedicated to their drinking parties. That is so sick and messed up. And someone in that crew actually has the screen name slutfacekilla!!!!! Oh my word...Holy water in deed!!!! Oh Joy, I am so glad you are back blogging and have consistent internet. I freaked out when I saw a comment from you yesterday....I actually checked the IP address to make sure it was YOU!!!! I know you are giving up the search for 40 days and I totally respect is a terrible addiction that consumes you did know the house 2 doors down is officially on the market. I'm just saying...maybe look through it again. I will need some wallpaper DE-stripping...but maybe MAYBE we could still be neighbors????? Welcome back sweet friend!

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Holli said...

Can it be? What a V-Day gift! A post from Joy! I'm soooo excited to hear about what's going on in your heart and head, my friend who I miss so much! Sorry the house didn't work out for you guys, there will be another one that is just perfect for the growing Morykon family, I just know it! Can we see some updated pics of Lucy? please, please...She must have changed so much from this summer. Hope you aren't feeling to yucky these days. Keep up the posting-I'm just so excited that you guys have internet again...

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great to hear from you! things sure do sound exciting in your life! We just got home from Guat with sweet baby #2...and let me be the first to "warn" you....TWO is a CRAZY number! phew!...we are exhausted!
can't wait to catch up with your life!

At 8:57 PM, Blogger ohAmanda said...

Yay, JOY! I was shocked to see my bloglines say you'd posted TWICE!

So excited about your new baby! And I understand about the house---from the other direction, our house in Bham still hasn't sold. It's been sitting for 13 months. Such a weight. Wanna move to Birmingham?! ;)

Can't wait to keep up with you again!


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