So much to do!

This is my once beautiful craft room that has been renamed "the junk room". Looking at this mess is getting me no were, sitting at the computer isn't either. Moving day is the 24th and i feel it closing in on me. There is so much i want to blog about. Lucy and i have been everywhere cause the weather is so great and the renovations on the house are really coming along. There is still so much more to tell about France, just to name a few things i really want to post about. But they can wait. I need to clean out the cabinet under the sink, call the exterminator, buy paint for the kithchen and start packing the closet in the junk room... um, today, ahh so much to do. I'm tired just thinking about it.
We are having a painting party Saturday and i have to get supplies for that too!! I'll be glad when this part is over. And I actually think i'm going to get a Prince Caspian date with Brian tomorrow - yeah right!! I'll post more pictures of the house soon. You are gonna love it!
Labels: house
I cant wait to see pictures of your house. The outside looks so cute! I hate packing. Every time we have moved I have saved it for the last minute. I wish I were there to help you paint!
packing SUCKS. everytime i look around our house and envision packing (once it finally sells) i have a panic attack. packing with a toddler?!?!?!?!??? best of luck, friend. wish i could join your painting party....
You know I'm rooting for you!! I love your house. Got more boxes for you tonight.
i love your new house, especially the part that i can walk to it in a few short minutes! God has blessed your waiting on Him to provide you with the perfect place. love you my friend!
You will get it all done and look back and wonder how you did it all! Hope to see it some day!
hi's to hoping your move is going well. i'm trying to send you some of my "i love packing and unpacking" energy. because, really, i do. i know, it's sick. but i do. so i hope some of that rubs off in this comment.
Hey Joy. how is the new house coming along. Love you
our "office" became our garage sale room forever. it was a junk heap by the end.
Packing is the WORST!!
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