Day 2 setting up the booth
So, some of you don't know that i'm in Atlanta for the Mary Kay Leadership conference. My friend Jerrod started this company Pink! Inc. that sells, well, pink stuff. You'll love what you find there. So he hired me and all the girls i mentioned to set up shop here at the vendors and sell his goods. This is him in the hat i made him. (i finally got that right he has it rolled kinda crazy but it looks good.. more on the first disaster later)

Today was ROUGH! We had to unload the Uhaul that took over 3 hours. Then we went to the CNN building to have lunch right accross the street from the Convention Center. Hey Steph member last year? it is the same place!! This is Tonya.. the beautiful black woman i told you about..

Then we put some stickers on some boxes and folded some of the sleep wear. We have so much stuff still to unpack and get set up. This is Miranda. She was so amazing today with all of us. She has all this retail experience so she was on a roll.

AND THIS is my new crazy roomate Lauren: Like i said she is totally a younger version of myself.. but i'll let you decide..

We had a lot of laughs and ended up having Pizza for dinner before we came home. Our feet were so so sore that we got a ride in the back of the Uhaul. We were freeking out especially cause we had to ride in the dark. I was so thankful for the light of our cel phones! This is Myra, me and the new chick that got here today Jennifer. She is so much fun too! She is in Director qualification and just earned her red car. She is too funny.

We just got home and i'm soo tired. We have to get there tomorrow at 7:30 am to finish setting up. We are so tired. My back and my feet are hurting like crazy!! love you and miss you guys! have a great day tomorrow.
Joy, I just checked out Jerrod's sight - love it! He has some really neat stuff! Glad you're having so much fun - I hope your tooties aren't too sore by the end of the week. Love you!!
Hey Joy,
This is Tim, Lauren's boyfriend. Lauren told me to check out this website. I'm so glad she met you and you guys are so much alike. It is an awesome blessing to hear she's having so much fun hanging out with you guys.You've got a sweet website by the way. (in case you show this post to Lauren<... i love you lauren, don't get too happy with the mannican>)
-Tim Sewalt (a.k.a. Tim The Pirate)
glad you are having so much fun! we had a good time at candace's shower tonight. i think this baby needs to get a move on, it's beginning to affect her spelling-what exactly are tooties? it's alright candace, we still love you. : )
have a great week joy!
love you
lol I meant tootsies...I dunno my mom used to call my feet that. I am suffering from placenta-brain!
Hey, I remember that place!! :)
AH, the joys of "setting up"'s WAY more fun than "tearing down"!! Enjoy!!
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