Day 6 cross over day
yesterday i was soo way to tired to blog. sorry. It was a long day!! i can barely remember what happen. Except that we went out to dinner to celebrate our new friend Tyler's birthday. This is him and his sister Erin.

the gang

He turned 12 yesterday. So we went to this place The Varsity to celebrate his birthday. Jerrod is so sweet he gave him like $20 gift. He's so giving. He has been such a great boss!
So today he wanted us to wear black under our eyes for the whole baseball theme... we were like uh.. no. SO he goes i'll give you a shopping spree to Pinked! if you do it today.. soo here we are..
Myra and i

and the lovely Antoinette. When she was leaving. i was so sad.. I love her!

So Lauren and i picked out some sweet rings. my first one with cz's She is such a Diva! She got this belt buckle one and loved it and we wanted to get a matching one for fun! so i got one too. they are too cute.. then tonight we were going to go home and go to bed tomorrow is an early morning again. But We decided to go out with Lauren's, mom's director, Laurie. She is supper cute! Invited us to dinner with her and her gang. we had so much fun.. and LAUREN SIGNED UP FOR MARY KAY.. she is going to be a director soon. She will be amazing at it! i'm so excited for her. Here's some pictures of her signing up on line. oh, yeah and her fake hair she got today. That is as big as Texas (where she is from) She is a true texan.. She called her mom and she is so excited. She loves bling! loves make up.. and she will be amazing.

My Sweet Baby Girl,
I am so happy for you and all the new friends you are don't look too shabby with the black under your eyes..ha!! I know you are having too much fun..I miss you and can't wait to see you...hurry home!!
nice mascera!
You're doing great, it'll be over before you know it. I'm so glad God blessed you with a new special friend in Lauren. Tell her hello for me.
Miss you!
Hey Joy,
Looks like you guys are having a blast still! Thats great! Hope you guys do awesome today. Tell Lauren I said hi and to check her email. Have tons of fun!!!
-Tim The Pirate
P.S. I guess the mannicans got a little boring after a while huh? :)
The Varsity? Tim's gonna be so jelous...
Looks like you're having a blast - can't wait to see you!
PINKED!™ Notebook with Pen That's what I want..ok??
Hey JOY!!
This is Laurie Farris! What an AWESOME BLOG SITE! Your hubby is amazing! I enjoyed meeting you SO MUCH and excited that we too are sisters in the Lord just like you and Lauren! Keep in touch and remember to keep looking up cause that's where you help comes from!
Gracias por tus saludos,veo que lo pasas bien,confieso que no he podido leer por apuro,pero lo leere,siempre lo hago.
Sigo esperando el post en español.
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