my chip clip baby
So brian was changing her diaper yesterday while i was getting ready. All the sudden i hear this cry - this is usually her happy time, right after i feed her. So i rushed in to see him calming her. He was chuckling.. "i was putting the diaper on and the tab broke off and the elastic hit her leg. she started crying like a second was a delayed reaction" I said out loud "there goes another 500yrs for nothing Lucy!" since i found out it takes 500 yrs for a disposable diaper to decompose..
I thought brian had thrown it away but, he stuck it back in with the diapers. He said it would still work.. This morning i was changing her and knew we were going to take a bath soon. I didn't want to waist another "500yrs" so i used that one. It didn't work. I put some packing tape on it but, while she was playing on the floor gym it came open and her pj's were wet.. so i'm looking around the kitchen.. she only needs it on for like 30 more min... what can i use? what can i use...? so here's what i came up with.. Mom, thought you would appreciate this. Thanks for teaching me to use what i have :)

we put her in the Johnny jump up the other day. She looked soo funny! i could barely get her out she was so far down in the thing. Then later brian informed me that it is for 4 mos and older.. whoops.. sorry Lucy.

way to use your resources, joy!!!
i can't believe diapers take that long to break down...i mean, i knew i hated them for the waste space they take up, but come on... ah well.
lucy looks hilarious in that photo! i love it!
You continue on with your "multi-uso" mentality and I love it. Lucy looks perfect in her Jump up.
Her face is hilarious in the Jump Up. You got me excited for a second, I thought I could pull mine out. Good to know we got another month before it will work! Too bad, she looks so cute.
Her face in the one contraption is priceless "Mom why do you have that thing pointing at me AGAIN?"
I can't believe that's how longer diapers take to decompose. A few of my friends here use cloth and I've considered it, will definitely consider it more after knowing that staggering statistic.
Can't wait to see your little sweetie!
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