Just Curious
Do you read my blog? I run into people that say, oh i read your blog all the time but i only have my usual comment posters. I'm wondering how many actually read me that don't comment. I mean i read tons of blogs but don't always post a comment cause i can't think of anything witty to say. So this is just an experiment. if you read me just this once post a comment and say so. i think i might actually write more if i knew you were reading. There are ways you can know how many visitors you have to a site and that's great but i'm sure its not the same as reading. So, i don't write much, might write more. Maybe i'll get better at writting & explaining my self, my life and my crafts. Thanks for participating in my little experiment. Love you guys!
I've been reading too - like you said, if I don't have anything witty to say I don't usually comment!
Happy Friday!
I'm an old friend of Sarah Gauger's and linked to your page from hers one day. I'm also a relatively new mom (my son was born in April), so I'm enjoying reading about your experiences as a first-time mom. I don't usually post comments b/c I wasn't sure if you would be weirded out since you don't know me (but I guess that just reading and not posting might be weirder...). So, here's my first comment. Congrats on your beautiful daughter! It sounds like you are a great mom, and I'm sure I'll keep reading if you keep posting!
I read it. But you knew that.
I read your site...I have enjoyed getting caught up with your life since we lost contact. It is a great thing to have.
Here is my new site
joy, i LOVE reading your blog. I love seeing pictures of you & lucy. I really like looking at all the fun stuff your crafting.
miss you.
Your kidding right? Of course I read your blog!! Sometimes I even look at it two or three times a day..so I can watch Lucy on the YouTube!! Keep up the good work!! I love you tons.
Yup, I read it! :)
I have a link to your blog on my blog (and I see you don't have mine) I read it often.
I confess, I only read your blog whenever you say there's a post I should read. I'm adding you to my RSS reading right now so I know when you post. Here's to regular readership!
just wanted to let you know that i check up on you guys often! i also am quite the crafty little one--but, i don't post that stuff on noah's blog. i've toyed with the idea of starting a blog that i can make my own, but it seems daunting! much easier to blog pictures and little things about noah. :) anyway, hope you are well--keep blogging, its fun to read!
Yep, reading every blog!
I read your blog - followed a link from sammibag, who's link I followed from Candace (laughingdaisies), who I know from a message board online ;)
i'm a joy and lucy fan!
I've been reading. Helps me to stay in touch with what's going on with you even when we don't get to hang out for months at a time : )
Hi, I'm a new reader, I found you through Erin.
We are neighbors, I'm in Alexandria. :)
joy, i've been reading your blog for a while to see how cute little Lucy is and how crafty you are with all of your projects. you inspire me to want to be even more creative! i love your new haircut...you look beautiful! hope to see you soon!
i've been reading since you sent the initial link what 2-3yrs ago.
Hi! I found your blog by doing a "google" search on your name. I got your name off of the Grace Church website where I was reading about the women's ministry and the "craft" night you all have. I'm originaly from L'Burg, but now I live in C'Ville. Anyhow, my sister has a friend who attends your church and she was told about the Bloom craft studio. I'm a fellow crafter and when I heard about your set-up at church, I checked it out online. Very cool....I'm so impressed with your Women's ministry. I would love to have something like that at our church. I've been reading your blog ever since then and have traveled to your crafty friends blogs too! Your daughter Lucy is beautiful! Best wishes. Karen from C'ville!
sorry i am so late with this comment...but i DO read your blog :) one of my new year's resolutions is to scale down my bloglines so that i can actually read all the blogs i have saved :) loves!!!
I read your blog pretty often. I found it through Heather's blog. I really love it! Keep up the good work!
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