Donohue Winter Wonderland

Kim, Brian and i left yesterday morning at 7am to come to the Donohue's. We arrived to the Baltimore around 12noon yesterday. We stopped by the Apple store at the Towson Mall to see if we could get it fixed. Then we came to the Donohues to help set up for the Curim info dinner. I felt gross so i took a shower. Once he got the music ready for the night, Brian took a nap. Kim just chilled on the couch till it was time to help set up. We moved all the furniture out of the living room and put up some tables to make a cafe in the living and dining room area. Kirsten had made soup, and gotten bread from a local bakery. The Emma & Levi helped set up. Holly and Johnny Torrence were there too. Holly and i set up the food stations. Everyone started arriving around 6pm. I it was so cool. Kirsten's chili was delicious and the people were great! I've never been anywhere, where i was welcomed so completely by everyone i met. Most of the people that came were from Grace Fellowship.
It was a privaledge to be a part of their ministry. Brian played guitar and i did some videotaping (of course) Brian Donohue just gave an explaination of the Celtic Monastic movement, and the Curim house. Then we did an evening prayer and songs together. It was great fun.

There was so much snow that the services at Grace Fellowship were canceled, so we have just been hanging out here. the kids playing in the snow and us just trying to stay warm around the fire. It is pretty cold! i haven't seen that much snow in a long time. We will probably stay tonight and leave in the morning. It has been so nice to be here. The Donohue's (brian's parents) house is just amazing.
Here's some pictures of our time together.

Emma decided to make a Latté here's how she ended up. :)

Great pics..looks like you guys had a blast. I´m so glad that you could all go and help the Donahues.
ah - sounds like a great time! Fill in some gaps for me, though - I thought the donohues were in mexico...where are you? boston? I'm a bit confused! :)
Que fotos mas lindas,espero que lo estes pasando bien.
En mi trabajo he tenido que usar tu idioma,con los extranjeros.
what a small world..
Grace is the church where my brother in law Ed DeYoung is the dir. of worship ministries (or some such title).. his wife, Laurie, is my wife's sister.. she's a dj on WPOC in baltimore.
more information than you'd ever want to know, i'm sure.
peace.. have a great weekend.
Eric, why don't you send me an email at and i can give you their contact information. I'm sure they would love to hear from you!
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