Lucy Luv
Here's my first attempt at youtube. This is Lucy in the sun for her jaundice. Mom is just chatting with her. Enjoy. I'm so in love with this little girl!
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." matt 13:44
what a sweetie!! I still can't believe she's finally here. I'm sure you feel the same way :) Love you guys - love you too Lucy!
She's real! She's not just a picture! You must just sit and want to watch her all day long. Love the youtube-in about a year I'll catch on to how it works :)
WOW...I love this new technology!! Even when I'm not at your house..I can still watch her!! My sweet sun bathing girl. Good job on the You Tube..YOUR HIRED!!
she is so cute! those expressions are just precious. Love you! have a great thanksgiving!!!!
so sweet!
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