When she cries
My sweet angel is sleeping her morning nap right now and i thought i would steal away some precious blog time before it is time to feed her again. We have been enjoying Lucy so much these days. We are working hard to set up a routine that works for all of us. Brian has been so great with me in the middle of the night feedings. He gets up and takes her to the room talks to her for a second while i get up go to the bathroom and meet him in there. We start nursing while daddy lays on Lucy's bed for a little bit.. Then she falls asleep, i have to keep waking her up to feed so in the middle daddy changes Lucy's diaper and wakes her up for me. When he is done he goes back to bed and Lucy and i finish up.
When i'm done burping and swaddling her we lay her back down for bed, usually with out a peep, but we do let her cry for a few minutes. Sometimes she's awake sometimes asleep. It takes me about an hour to feed her cause she is so lethargic, and she only really "eats" for 20-25 min. We go to bed and it all starts again in a few hours. During the day she will go 2 1/2 to 3 hrs between the beginning of one feeding to the next but at night she sleeps for long stretches. last night was the longest. i was soo proud of her - 5 hrs between feedings! we were only up twice last night. AHH bliss! If she keeps this up she will be sleeping 6 to 7 hr stretches at night in no time.
So all is good with her routine. Brian and i have been so diligent with setting this secure place for her. But the title of my post is about what happens when she has gas. It is a normal thing in tiny babies to have gas, but the heartache of the mother is what i wasn't ready for. She will be perfectly content one second then her face totally changes and she pulls her little knees up and flails her legs in pain. I mean we have all had gas and it's NOT FUN. So we have given her drops that helps, and hold her in different positions that helps too. I'm not sure if it's something i'm eating so i've decided to cut back on cabbage and onions (which i love!! and have had since i've been home) just to see if that helps too. I can't explain to you the pain that i feel when she cries from gas. Which is a different cry all together from the one when she is laying down to sleep that is more whiny, i don't want to go to bed cry.. this one is just soo hard to take. It makes me cry!
So i had a little break down yesterday thinking it was my fault that she had gas, cause i wasn't burping her right or eating right or WHATEVER! mainly emotional thoughts that come from lack of sleep! brian walked me thru them and helped me. I feel much better today altho i know it will still be hard to hear her cry if and when she has gas, the good thing is that it's a lighting pain.. for a split second and its gone. She is consolable which makes me so happy! I can't imagine what i would do if nothing made it better. I would go crazy!
Over all she is such an easy baby to take care of. I feel humbled that God chose me to be her mother. i don't deserve such a sweet baby. She makes me so happy. i never knew motherhood would be so fulfilling or rewarding.. i love it!
here's some pictures of the week:
In the bathroom waiting for mom to get out of the shower - in her cross eyed glory :)

in front of her mirrors on the Montessori bed. She loves the mirrors!

Mom and Lucy catching a nap on the couch. loved this! we will be doing this more for sure - so cozy!

I TOTALLY understand sweetheart...I still can't bear to see or hear you cry!! You guys are doing great...I'm so proud of you....all 3 of you!! Thanks for the pictures..keep em coming!!
Mum and baby moments on the couch...nothing better. Hope I get some of those with my next one.
I think she might be a blondie! She is getting so big and I can't wait to hold her and squeeze her and kiss her! :) I'm glad you are so enamored with her, how could you not be? Keep the pics coming. Love you.
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