4 Weeks!

We have been having so much fun with Lucy. Daddy took some cute pictures of us together - more to come.
So you know you kiss your baby too much when she spits up in your mouth! yup yesterday morning good thing my mouth was semi-closed. Ha! I also woke up with my shirt up and my boob hanging out yesterday - what the?? I must have been dreaming that i had to feed her. Brian and i were cracking up!
We really have gotten down a pretty good routine. She usually eats, then we have wake time, (which she spends with us, mom taking a shower or eating or in front of her mirrors and mobile) then she takes a nap and starts the cycle again around every 3 hrs. She was so cute the other day in front of her mirrors, she had hiccups and was in a great mood. Mornings are wonderful for her usually. Night times are getting more manageable too. I did last night on my own and i still feel great. Love this baby!
Here are some other pictures from this week:
Wake time?

Chris and Brook came over for lunch during cranky time, right before her nap! Sorry guys. They were good sports about it tho.

This is what her room looks like now with her mirrors and mobile i made. I've been reading this book and i'm learning so much about what kinds of things i can make for her to help her with each stage. Beginning with mobile's to help her focus her eyes then moving to rattles and baskets of items for her to explore and learn about. I love this book! I'm so excited to see her enjoy each thing. She loves this mobile cause of how shinny it is. i made it from the idea in the book to make a metallic mobile just used christmas ornaments. i think she will dig it more in a few weeks when she learns to focus on it better. It's cool cause she can see it in the mirror too.

I just saw your comment, so I thought "joy's online maybe she put up some more pics" I can't get enough of Lucy pics! She is growing so much! I'm really glad to hear that you feel like you are on getting on to a routine with her. I'm sure that makes being with her that much more enjoyable. I hope you are keeping a journal! I'm sure you are-you're really good at that.
So CHRIS and BROOKE! I was thinking about them a little while ago, but don't have her email anymore. Can you send it to me? Thanks!
Miss you and thanks again for the update! What a sweetie. Brian looks a little frazzled :)-Alex always liked the picture of brian asleep on the couch-probably because he knows that will be him one day!
i can't believe she's already four weeks old!! she's so cute. thanks for updating us on your life. makes me feel connected to you from way up here. ;)
love you!
Thank you for your comment...Thanks that you read my posts...I am so glad to hear that Lucy did nothing but to accomplish you as a woman...Let me tell you that I have the same fear as you had talking about the childbear...I think that a child will interfere between me and R...
Anyway I still don't know if a child should be a plan or an accident- this is an old idea for a post-debate!
I'am very happy to read your experiences as a mommy, as a woman...
I miss my baby girl so much..she is growing so much. I can't wait to get well and spend some time with you all!! Being sick is a bummer!!
She is adorable! Isn't being a mommy great? :)
where'd the post about "it" go? ;) yeah for you!
just wanted to pop in an say hello! looks like life is chugging right along for you guys...how blessed lucy is to have a mom who is so passionate about her and introducing her to the world around her! God is so good!! i LOVE the newest picture you posted of you two, how precious!
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