France, Baby & God Tube

We went to our first sonogram today. I'm right at 16 weeks but they couldn't really see the "goods" yet sad! I've got to wait till next month to know if i'm going to have my Liam or not! I was so happy i got to see my little Morykon. I was surprised that i started crying when i saw him. I can't believe there's actually a baby in there! so exciting!
It was so good to see my Dr Phemister again. He is so much fun! I was getting ready for my check, you know in the holy of holys like Kelly has been known to call it, and i realized i hadn't shaved.. i mean we are talking days here! ahhhh why didn't i shave??!! My first day back to see my doctor the least thing i could have done for him. I'm sure he's used to that sort of thing but gross.. I'm just picturing what he would have said if he could, "Ok Joy i'm just gonna get you to slide down.. ahhhhhh, oh sorry i just sliced my hand on your razor legs. i'll just go get a bandage to stop the bleeding.." Embarrassing!!
When i was pregnant with Lucy we decided to take a trip to Hawaii and this time decided we would go see his parents in France before Lucy is 2 and we have to pay for a 3rd ticket. So we decided to go after i was done with the first trimester yuckies. We leave March 31st, we'll be there for 2 1/2 weeks. Brian is getting a weeks vacation then he's going to work while he's there. So Lucy and i can still spend some extra time with his parents. We are so blessed that he works a job that can be done from anywhere (in the world literally) as long as there is internet. I am soo excited about this trip. I just know the minute i'm there i'm going to want to move to France.. We are going to a city called Montpellier in southern France. I was trying to find some pictures but the best thing i found was this youtube video. I think this guy is from there and is in love with Montpellier because his sound track is "Your beautiful" it's not too long. enjoy, and picture Brian, Lucy and i walking around that place. ahhh can't wait.
Thought this was kinda funny. ever heard of God Tube? broadcast Him... Found this there. looove Switchfoot and this song means a lot to me. It was the song that helped me leave Mary Kay after thinking it was my "calling". I had been selling MK for 3 years when my dad died. I remember listening to this song real loud riding around in that great Pontiac GrandAm, that yes i had to give back to the company when i left. That had to be the hardest part. That was the nicest car i have ever had. We were meant to live for so much more than make up.. i'm sure.
meant to live for so much more than make up - that made me laugh a little, mainly b/c I know that goes against what they teach ;) Love you guys - we'll miss you but you'll have a fantastic time. I want to see pics of you letting it all hang out in your bikini!! ;)
Meant to live for so much more than Makeup, SO TRUE!! I wish I had listened to that song or one like it when I was escaping the clutches of MK last year. I hope you guys have a wonderful trip to France, it looks gorgeous from the pictures. Oh, and I too LOVE Dr. P, he is the best! I almost want to have another baby just so I can go see him more! LOL
OOHHHH, I am so jealous. That will be so much fun. Can I come in your suitcase! Oh wait I might be over the weight limit. LOL.
I cant wait to find out what baby number 2 is?
Love you LOTS!!!!
Congrats, Joy, on Baby #2! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I had not been on yours for awhile, so it was good to catch up. I'm glad you are blogging again! Saludos to your mom when you talk to her next!
honestly, i can never tell ANYTHING from those ultrasound pics, but i'm sure there's a beautiful baby in there somewhere. have a WONDERFUL time in France!!! love you and miss you!! maybe we can catch up before you go...
Hey Joy,
Just popping in to say hello. Thanks for liking my fabric. :) I loved your comment on my blog awhile back. Congrats on the baby! How great. Happy Easter!
Jessica Jones
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