
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." matt 13:44

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, September 04, 2004

The candy problem

So i realized the other day i have a serious emotional connection with candy. Not cake, or ice-cream, not cookies or pastries. just CANDY! My list is: Hot Tamales, Laffy Taffy, Red Twislers, Candy Corn (i just discovered) and Swedish Fish those are my top 5 can't control myself when they are around. Brian asked me "well do you just want to maybe ration them?" I told him that is impossible because i say, "ok this is the last handful." Then i can only handle like 3 minutes ,if they are still there, then i say the same,"ok THIS is the last handful." and so on thill their gone! AHH!! If he gets me a pack of hot tamales when we go to the 1$ movie, the whole thing, that cost more than the movie ($2.75 to be exact) is GONE before the previews are over!! AHHHH!

So i haven't written in a while cause i didn't really have anything worthwhile to write about. BUT THIS.. now this is a problem. so what do i do? Give it up completely? Give my self a "Candy Day?" which i had growing up and i'm lead to believe got me into this predicament in the first place. I really feel out of control people.

I have so much of a problem with it i feel when i eat candy that i am being greedy. I think, "oh no what if it's not their later", well yeah it won't be cause i'll have eatten it all! I also feel i'm not being good to my body, and it is the temple of Christ is it not? What's the difference between a late night trip to the ABC store or to Walmart candy bin??? I know what you're thinking... It's an addiction. and you are right about that. I think about it especially when i've had a little, i always want more then i eat more and more, then feel sick then i forget why i wanted it in the first place!!! I know that eating candy for most people is like,"oh yea i like those, sure i'll have some" but for me.. i can't even eat them WITH anyone else!! Barely!

So Brian and i have been discussing the moral of this story. Sometimes you want something so so bad for so long, then you get it and you forget what was so wonderful about it and why did you even want it in the first place. I know a lot of people that feel that way. For me.. it's candy. what is it for you?