
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." matt 13:44

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

My Baby's Daddy

*warning this post contains a lot of gushing.. but this is what a blog is for

So he is on the phone right now with his Grandmother, in Pennsylvania. We woke up from our nap and said she was on his mind and he thought he would call her since they haven't talked in months.. maybe even a year or so.
I just want to take this opportunity to blog about what an amazing man he is. i just can't get enough of him these days, he's so adorable and is so patient with me and everyone around him.

Last sunday i woke up to a note on the mirror that he wrote including sketches. He said: don't lament the loss of your old body (sketch of a skinny woman) i love your new body (sketch of pregnant woman) you are beautiful.. I mean really who writes that kind of stuff?? He is so amazing! I love the boy so much!

Recently my mom and i had a tiff. I was just being my pregnant emotional self and i really hurt her feelings. Brian took it upon himself to call her the next day (which he didn't tell me) He told her that he loved her, and wanted to make sure she was ok. I love the way he cares about mom. She has little masculine affection in her life right now. He takes it upon himself to make sure she is cared for.

He is working so hard to guide the people of Grace in worship. He is doing such an amazing job. This morning at church he felt led by the spirit to talk about the new building and our attitude towards it. He was so clear and engaging i'm just so proud of him. I know that all he wants is to be like Jesus. I can't tell you how refreshing it is to wake up next to a man like this.

Every night he quotes Psalm 1 to the baby changing the words from blessed is the man, to blessed is the girl and says the whole thing. He wants Lucy to get used to his voice. He's so cute! ok. He's off the phone. There is so much more i could say about him, but my blog wouldn't possibly have enough room to hold it all. I couldn't be happier and i can't imagine my life with anyone but this boy - Brian Morykon. Te amo MI VIDA