Crafty Lucy
I figured it was about time i posted some Lucy luv on here. She has been so much fun lately and loving hands on stuff. I love to watch her play and explore. She gets such a kick out of little things. I really am going to miss my alone time with her. Enjoy my Luce - i do every stinking day!
Of course Cinderella has to finish her chores before play time every day.. such concentration.

She will literally play with these beans up to 45 min. i just lay a table cloth on the floor and give her the baggy of mixed beans and she's just scoop, poor, pick out the big white ones (?) scoop, poor, pick out the big white ones, wait for mommy to clean them all up and do it all again.. Jen got us started on this. Thanks for the beans Jen!

Then there's play dough time. looooves her some play dough. She does like to sniff it and put it in her mouth from time to time but we try and keep that to a minimum :)

nice smoothie mouth Luce...

I love when she pretend feeds her little dough dog... so cute!
we have fun with our water color too. I love this myself. It's nice to find something we both like.

On another random note. Brian, mom and i watched The Bucket List, last night. Oh my gosh i laughed & cried so hard. it is such a great movie. If you or anyone you know has lost someone to cancer it is a must see. I just really love the dynamic between Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicolson.. some hilarious lines! my favorite one of his was "never trust a fart" check out the trailer
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