
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." matt 13:44

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, January 05, 2007

Just Curious

Do you read my blog? I run into people that say, oh i read your blog all the time but i only have my usual comment posters. I'm wondering how many actually read me that don't comment. I mean i read tons of blogs but don't always post a comment cause i can't think of anything witty to say. So this is just an experiment. if you read me just this once post a comment and say so. i think i might actually write more if i knew you were reading. There are ways you can know how many visitors you have to a site and that's great but i'm sure its not the same as reading. So, i don't write much, might write more. Maybe i'll get better at writting & explaining my self, my life and my crafts. Thanks for participating in my little experiment. Love you guys!

Monday, January 01, 2007

5 things

I was tagged by Candace, to share 5 things i wouldn't normally share with people. I'm having a hard time with this because i normally tell EVERYTHING, to EVERYONE. So we'll see how i do. You may already know this about me but here goes.

1. Because i grew up in chile:
- i don't usually like ice in my drinks cause it waters them down. They actually believe you'll get a cold if you have ice in your drink.
- i'm not afraid of public transportation - even in L-burg. For a while my car was in the shop and i rode the bus, what an experience..

2. i hate taking showers in the morning. It's cold and i feel like when i take one that i have to "start my day" I like to do that sometime after 10am, way after... On day's after my yoga class it's not till 2.. Ahh i love an afternoon shower. and I hate blowdrying my hair. In the summer it doesn't matter and it cools me off in the heat, but in the winter i wear my hair up and a hat cause i still don't want to.. So if you were wondering why i look like a cancer patient, now you have your answer. i love the way my hair looks when i blow dry it but i just hate taking the time.

3. i only wear make up on Sundays and on special occasions. I was in Mary Kay for a long time and it's sort of like my statement that, i'm not that anymore. I would much rather people notice when i'm wearing make up "joy you look good today" than wear it all the time and not sometime, "joy, whats wrong? you look sick"

4.i'm a picker, i love picking lucy's nose with q-tips and zits on brian's back.. soo much fun. love the nasty treasures. i just tell Lucy "it's so much fun baby, momma's almost done.. oh no don't cry sweetie, i got a good one.. look!" - gross i know!
i used to just find one on his back and go for it, but he would get real mad so now i actually ask permission, "Brian can i pleeeeze get this one. It's totally ready." then i'm trying to show him the resuts so he knows his pain wasn't in vain. "look baby it was such a good one.."

5. when i was pregnant i sometimes peed my pants when i sneezed..

i'm sure i'll think of better ones later, that's just how it goes but i'm feeding the girl, and that's all i've got, enjoy.