then there was Ramey

and we will never be the same.
OH Give thanks to the LORD for He is good!
Ramey Kate was born Thursday Aug 21st at 6:57 am. 7.1 lbs 21 inches long. It was probably the most peaceful and wonderful experience of my whole life. My Lucy story was so different! Terrible labor, but amazing delivery. But this - this was so fantastic i almost feel guilty about it.

Here's the Ramey story: Contractions started Wed afternoon when i woke up from my nap. I was timing my contractions at Thayer Botham's memorial service. Went to dinner at Water Stone Pizza down town. i just had this feeling it was the night. I had to hold the table and breath thru even at the restaurant. We stopped by the bible study group that i usually go to Wed nights cause i wanted to tell them i was in labor and that i wanted them to pray for me and Ramey. They were so thrilled and everyone laid their hands on me and prayed for Brian, Lucy and i. we were all there together. It was beautiful. Lots of people i didn't know there that night but I knew that His presence was over us all. So when we got home i just knew there was going to be a hospital visit during the night so i finished up packing and took a shower. They were getting pretty intense so i called mom to come over and sit with me while i let brian take a nap. We timed them for an hour they were like 5-10 min apart.

I was so afraid that they would send me home so i just kept doing what i could to get thru them. One of the things that i loved was, I had told Brian that i wrote some scripture that i wanted to focus on during labor so i asked him to try picking one of them and just reading a phrase to me as i rode the wave of the contraction. I asked him to give me the Bread of Life. I didn't know if i would be able to hear him or concentrate on it or not but it totally worked! It was great. Some of the phrases were: The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent (Exo 14:14) Abide in Me, apart from Me you can do nothing (Jn 15:15) not only to believe in Him but also to suffer for His sake (Phil 1:29)
We got to the hospital around 1:30am.They admited me cause i was dilated at a 5-score! hooked me up to an IV got my epi and was chillen with my peeps by like 3am. Deaven went to stay the night with Lucy. Mom, Kim and Steph were with us. Brian fell asleep on the little couch and the girls and i just enjoyed the night together. We spent some time being thankful and sharing about the day. It felt like we were just sitting in Gods presence together hanging out. I have never experienced the Peace of God in such a great way before. It was thick in the room. Rm #8. He was there waiting for His sweet little Ramey to come into the world. Once i was ready it only took 3 pushes, i had no ripping and she was out. Perfect, Beautiful, Blessed. OMG i love this kid. She nurses great and she is just the most peaceful baby you have ever seen. When things are crazy around here i just hold her and she centers me. I am reminded of His presence and i am so thankful for this gift.
I know this is already a long post and if you have gotten this far - I LOVE YOU! but i must include my thankful list for the week. Some girls and i joined together in Thanksgiving in the weeks leading up to Rameys birth and we committed to each-other to work on cultivating Thanksgiving. We met 3 mondays and gave our anxieties to the Lord and shared our thankfulness with each other. We now send emails of thanksgiving during the week and it is the most uplifting thing to receive their lists. Especially when some are in hard places in their journey and they still choose to be thankful. It is such an encouragement to me! Since i am just BURSTING with thanksgiving i must post my list here. I invite you to comment and post your own thankful list. It is amazing how great it feels to be thankful.
Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (Phil 4:6)
- for a storybook birth
- for the amazing father of my girls who loves me and walks with me even in hard times
- my mother for being my best nurse and caregiver when i need her.
- my BFF Kim for sacrificing and being here 3 entire days to help me with the girls so i could rest
- my sweet Steph helping usher in the Kingdom of Heaven into my delivery room and work thru my stormy emotions these first days home.
- my sweet Deaven for coming to be with Lucy that night and being here with me even when i was in a funk last night and still just seeing me.
- my sweet Jen for stopping in just to say hi while i eat lunch. I felt so loved. (she threw my shower too)
- the rain filling my house with a cool breeze
-my new windows love my sweet screens!!
- my fridge i have been filling up my water jug (they give you in the hospital) all day
- my sweet Lucy and the way she loves her Ramey already. loves to give her kisses
- the cuddling that Lucy's fever brought. I hated that she was sick but she never sits still enough for me to hold her anymore and it was so precious to sit with her. She has never had a fever like this before and it happened after i had Ramey which means i had a lap to put her on. It was so special to be close to her.
- Candace & Tim for bringing dinner
-this great house. I. love. every. room! I hate leaving i love it so much!
- baby cloths, dirty diapers and spit up... ahh i'm so happy. (i know i'm crazy but i looove it!)
- sitting here on the couch with my sweetie listening to the rain, on our macs, the girls are sleeping. I've been wanting to blog forever! and he is working on his school. His degree in learning to be more like Jesus. I love that he finally found the right program for him.
ok i could go on all night seriously! your turn Make known His deeds among the peoples! (1Chron 6:8) Women shall speak of the power of Your awesome acts and will tell of Your greatness (Psa 145:5)
Thanks for reading! Lord Bless you this night
ps:i knit the blanket in pic #3 love the way she looks in it :)
Labels: Jesus teaching me, Ramey, Thankful