
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." matt 13:44

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Santas Workshop

I am one of those that LOOOOves this time of year. While everyone else is shopping in a hurry pissed cause it's christmas and they have way too many family members they "have" to buy for - i've locked my self in my work room and i'm diligently working on a special gift (that usually costs little or no money at all) and counting the days till Christmas so i can see their face when they see what i made them..... ahhh i love this! It is so much fun.

If i do have to go out to purchase something - like i did yesterday, i'm the one with the huge smile on my face just soo excited to bring all my Christmas ideas together for that great day of the year that you actually get to tell the people you love that you love them. And more importantly that you PAID ATTENTION. That's what one of the things Christmas is for. It's about picking up little hints all year about who that person is and showing them that you were paying attention. What is the joy in saying "oh what do you want for Christmas - i'll pick that up today" ??? um, no! YOU figure it out. I've been talking and doing the things i love you all year, can think about it for one second and find or make or scavenge something for me..

Christmas is the time of year that our culture has chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus and we give gifts because of the wise-men and others that brought gifts to Jesus. Celebrating that He had come to redeem us. That's why we give. Ever-since i was little this has been a wonderful time of giving - not spending - giving. Thanks Mom and Dad for putting this into perspective for me. Sure there were those years the Lord had blessed us with a little more than others, like the year we got our collie or the year we got the above ground vinyl pool we loooved the heck out of that thing. (Christmas was in the summer in Chile) Still Mom and Dad paid attention to who we were all year and what we loved and what we talked about. Christmas it was the time to say, "i know you. I love you."