This one is for the girls! I've been reprimanded about how much i've been (or not been) blogging lately, by my dear friend
Heather and my dear friend
Holli. Apparently they check regularly for new posts and are constantly disappointed. So heres my attempt to being more faithful - for my outta town soul sisters. (cause the rest of you hear my stories everytime you see me, sometimes more than once.. wether you want to hear them or not..)
Altho now i'm going to tell a story that they already know, and were there for, i'll tell it for the rest of you.
Kim and i drove to MI Friday. We had a fantastic drive and it was so great to hear all her stories about Mexico! I love spending time with that girl! When we arrived at Heather's house, Holli who had come up from Indiana to spend time with us, was already there. It was so nice catching up and feeling like no time had gone by at all, when in fact we hadn't been together since last summer, Heather's wedding. We spent time at the pool saturday, went to a great
church on Sunday, then Monday took a tour of the
Cornerstone campus with Heather and Holli and finally set out on my quest for MATERNITY JEANS!
Now you must know.. i'm 6-7mos pregnant (kel?) never sure, just feeling bigger than ever! But have not yet purchased ANY maternity clothing for my self. According to my friend
Erin it's one thing to have a hair band on your button to make your jeans fit but when the zipper starts crying for mercy it's time for maternity jeans..
We got to park in the expectant mother's spot - that was a first! there's my huge belly! Soo sweet patient Holli went with me to Old Navy Monday and we found the ones. Those of you that have shopped with me before (kim) know i'm terrible at making decisions! I never have paid this much for jeans in my life - much less getting ones i'll only wear for a few more months.. (and maybe after Lucy comes depending on how long i stay a fat cow) I'm not going to tell you how much cause you won't think it's that much.. but i am soooo cheap! They are super comfy and super cute, perfect legs and fit. They actually make me feel smaller. but the BAND! OMG! comes up soo high. I'm assuming it will be comfortable later when my belly is huge and need some extra support. (i'm hoping..) So i'm complaining about it and i had everyone involved in this decision.. Holli & some other pregnant girl telling me, "oh the high band is better than the low cause, the low rise ones fall down all the time, so you are constantly having to pull your pants up" - how unpleasant. Even Gabe the big dressing room attendant - saying.. "oh those look real nice", Um awkward... So with the support of Holli (and my new friends...) I got them!
The coolest part was that it was
Best Week Ever at Old Navy and they give you these little coupons you peel off for a prize. (of course Gabe told us about this) I thought to my cheap self i just wanted some $ off these expensive jeans so i could get some other stuff too! So at 4:55 everyone gets their coupon and Holli wins some cheesy dog stickers - which she has decided she will decorate her "dog area" with when they get their boxer :) and guess what?? I get the $10 off your $50 order! Yippeee!!! Holli said that God rewarded me for being so frugal with my $ that was so nice. thanks Hols..
So there you have it. i've got new jeans. big jeans. got them at old navy. that's it. oh - brian is in KZ taking baths with a ladle... more on that later. love you guys!