look at the cool Napoleon i found! i love this! canned heat in my feet yeah...
So yeah, I actually have a my space, but it makes me feel like one of Kelly's special Ed students when i try to friggin upload a picure. WHo designed that crap anyway??? And no i won't give you the link cause mine SUCKS!!
I saw my first cool one when my friend Lauren (that crazy girl i met in Atlanta who is a younger version of myself) showed me hers. She has her boyfriends band playing a song on there, and the back ground is super cool.
So i'm goofing off on my friend Toni's myspace and it looks pretty cool with all her pictures and fun stuff on it. And i found this Nappy-d. I swear i looked everywhere to plug him in to myspace so i could have a halfway decent looking home page.. besides my 7 friends.. i look like an absolute looser. Kim was sitting here with me, she can attest to the fact that i searched everywhere on that thing to put him in. Screw this! i'm going back to my comfy blogger.. ahhh it's so clean here and so familiar. I love it.. See, i can even put links in. I'm not an absolute idiot. But according to Myspace. um yeah i suck.
Sarah Gauger has a way cool looking one and the music she picked is amazing. I even found Jacob on there and Jodi Penner too. They all HAVE MUSIC... HOw do they do that?? So they have all some how successfully learned to make their site look nice. Honestly i don't feel like spending all that time searching my site everytime i want to add a cool pic. i just want to ADD IT.
Ok, so am i totally missing the point? I know i am a very smart girl. Why do i feel incompetent?? anyone else feel this way when they try and fix up their Myspace? help! anyone? 3 cheers for blogger!