Day 7: sponge roller day

again i was way to tired last night to post anything that happen. We did have a good day. Very busy again! We had to be at the Convention Center at 9am we worked hard till like 1. i can barely remember what happen besides that we had a break from 1-4 and Lauren and i found a couch and took a nap after we went to visit the other vendors down stairs that were pretty sad.. We completely sold out of the "batter's boxes" yesterday. they were the best deal. For Directors to get started with the $13 cards. Here is a picture of what our stack looked like when we got started. there were 700 of the boxes... wow! we sold them fast!
Today was our late day. we got to go to sleep in Lauren and i were loving that it was great!! Buuut then Jerrod wanted us to wear rollers in our hair.. AND made us ride the MARTA too! it was funny! um Lauren wasn't too happy at first..

Then she was ok :)
We were selling the cards on sale today. it worked out good. we sold tons more. tomorrow everything is buy one get one free! goodie it will be so much fun! i hope we get rid of everything.. it will be great!

Then tonight we went to Houston's. We had an amazing dinner. and a toast to PINK INC! Myra, April and LaRue leave in the morning. April is in between Myran and Lauren in this picture. LaRue is the other new girl they are both directors that came in to help us out with the rush. i just hope we get the truck loaded quick so Lauren and i can go shopping and hang out our last time b4 we go home Sunday Morning..