found TWITTER!
Yay i'm so excited to find something i can FINALLY keep up with. I know you thought i fell off the face of the earth but really i've just been enjoying my girls and my peaceful home so much i never get on line anymore. It's really great actually. love it. But i still have these great moments during my day that i would love to share with you. I just send pics to Brian all day at work so he can be a part of our day.
Lets just be honest here, i can't keep up this blog. who am i kidding. i make these great posts in my mind with amazing pictures and storys, really you would love them if you could get into my head. Face book doesn't work for me either i just can't keep up there's too many people to be in touch with.. ahhh. I have to make choices all day on how to use my time wisely. SOO in an effort to stay in touch with you my friends.. i've signed up for twitter you can find me here or pics here. The great thing is i never have to get on line! yay! i can send you sweet little tiny msgs to tell you what we are doing FROM MY PHONE! yay since we are connected at the hip. um.. literally.. my phone NEVER leaves me. My computer, that's a different story.. i just can't be trusted when i open that bad boy up. i get on and wooosh 2 hrs later.. what the heck just happen? i had to fold laundry and shower and eat but now...there's no time for that.
till further notice i'll be twittering.. ta-ta