
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." matt 13:44

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Baby's room

Just thought i might direct your attention to what i have done in the baby's room i'm starting to act like a mom.. enjoy.

Birthday Surprise

I'm so sad that my friend Kim left today for Mexico. I know she will have a great time there but i will just miss her so much! She had been staying with us for a few days cause Mom was gone to Fl and she hates staying there by herself.. don't blame her! I love when she comes to stay she is so great! She is like a part of our relationship i enjoy having dinner with the 2 of them. It's so fun to see how Kim and Brian have become friends, I love it! They actually enjoy eachother!

So she left me a note on the airmattress.. (which i almost expect cause she sends me notes all the time and leaves them for me at random times) she says that she's gonna miss me and that she's sorry she is missing my birthday (incase you'd like to send money it's june 22).. so she wanted to do something special. She's left me a box in the closet that i am to open on my birthday week.. is that today? then there'se something inside for each day of the week for me to open! What in the world. no one has ever made anything like this for me b4! Here's the cute box on the outside she wrote this long note wrapped all the way around so you have to turn the box 50 times to read it.. i was crying by the end.. big croc tears.. she is so special.

the question is: when exactly does your birthday week begin? a week from your birthday? the sunday b4 your birthday or your actual birthday.. cause i'm thinking it's today.. ? thoughts?