I am so thankful for the support around me right now. I know there are so many people praying that we will find the right house and i am so grateful for that. I've been talking to the Lord about my feelings about the house and how discouraged i've been. I realized i was doing exactly what i can't stand in other people. Saying things like IF I ONLY HAD ...... i'd be happy. fill in the blank with whatever, boyfriend, husband, baby, job whatever it is. Wanting something so bad you just can't think about anything else or anyone else.
Because i arrogantly i think to myself well if Jesus was filling every part of them they wouldn't feel like they need that something to be whole. Jesus would be making them whole. So now it's my turn. That is where i have sinned. I am now confessing this to you. In addition to the sin of judging others, I really somehow got to the point that i believed if we had a house i would be so much happier, settled, whole, at peace. I was wrong. I recognize that having a house will be a good thing i'm sure but, i want to refocus and remember that all of those things i was thinking a house would give me, really comes from my relationship with Jesus. i want to be whole in Him. This Lent has been hard not constantly searching for a house, but I know as He teaches me that He is all i need to be full, my heart will be at peace. As i was listening to
Pray as you Go this week the passage was Jeremiah 17:7 I felt like it was just for me
7 But blessed is the woman who trusts in the LORD,
whose confidence is in him.
8 She will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
does not fear when heat comes; (August due date)
its leaves are always green.
It has
no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit."
This is what i want to be is unmoving. Always trusting in Him. I want to be this to Brian, Lucy and baby on the way, and to my family and friends. I hate for people to worry," Oh no what is Joy going to do now that things aren't going her way?" I feel like they have to brace them selves for all my whining and complaining when things aren't going well. Wouldn't it be nicer if they thought, "This is going to be a hard time on Joy, but she has really learned to handle when things don't go her way, she is trusting in Jesus, she'll be fine" And NOT be afraid to be around me! I know especially for poor Brian who sees me and hears my every complaint, i'd especially love for him to feel safer around me.
If i continue to keep going to the Source to let His word change my heart and perspective i am confident this image of the tree by the water can and will be me one day, and i will never fail to bear fruit. I am so thankful for this passage this week it has been food for my soul.
Thank you for all your sweet comments and your prayers. I know there are so many others that are going thru a much more difficult time of waiting than i but it means so much to me that you know my heart and care for me. Thank you.
Labels: house, Jesus teaching me