
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." matt 13:44

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Happy Birthday Brian!

Today is Brian's birthday! Wow 26! i can't believe it. He is the most amazing man i've ever met and my favorite person in the whole world. He has helped me with so many things and I am always becoming a better woman because of Him. Brian is the kind of guy that is quick to give when some one is in need. He doesn't even think about it, even if he had other plans for his time or his money. He is always thinking of others first. He has taught me so much about being a servant and wanting the best for others. Most importantly his biggest desire is to be more like Christ. He is such an example to me. I wish I could clone him for my single friends. Have i said already that i LOVE THE BOY??? ahh.. i'm off to enjoy breakfast with my love.

Be sure to stop by and say hello

have a great day sweetie! I love you Brian!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Diapering Dilemma

Lucy is almost 12 weeks old and I have enjoyed every minute of it! We've gotten into a good routine of feeding, wake and sleeping time. She's also gotten into this habit of only pooping once a week. Friday is poop day! It's so funny cause she'll get real quiet and then let it rip! So because I mostly change pee diapers every day, i've been considering cloth diapers. Especially since I found out how long it takes for a diaper to decompose. I feel guilty every time i'm changing her.

Before she was born, when asked if I would cloth diaper, I'd just laugh! I mean if I can handle the dirty diapers AT ALL will be a miracle. What's funny is diapers are actually quite delightful. It's something I look forward to. She is soo happy when she is on her changing table and smiles so much. We do a little Latin Leo the Lion and her new friend Peter the Mouse from France (who some how has an english accent instead of a french one. He has a little bit of an identity crisis.) She laughs at them and talks to them and we enjoy our diaper changes. I certainly don't enjoy going to the bathroom as much as she enjoys getting her diapers changed. So there you have it, i CAN change diapers and i actually ENJOY IT! unbelievable. who knew??

Altho i've never really done much for the environment, apart from picking up my own trash, I have to do something about her diapers! I just have this image of Lucy and my future children's lifetime worth of diapers covering acres and acres of land that could have been used for something else.. like trees or animals - maybe even a Walmart ;) But instead there are her diapers, piles upon piles of them stinking up the place. And long after she or I have died guess what, they are still there!!!! That is just gross!!

So I've gotten some help from my new blogging buddies:

A fellow crafter I met thru Crafty Daisies, Alison posted a cloth diaper tour on her site. She has emailed me with some help on this and making your own wipes too. Thanks Allison!! This is the same one you saw Kel. She explains all of the different ones in detail. I had no idea there were so many choices! It's pretty overwhelming

Heather one of the Crafty Daisies posted about the cloth diapers she makes for her daughter when she described her craft space. I emailed her to ask her for some help too. Thanks so much Heather for your detailed email!!

I forgot that I know a few people that cloth diaper at church but haven't asked them yet about it. I'll get on that.

My biggest hang up at this point is that cloth diapers STINK! I mean how do you get by with out doing laundry every day with out your baby's room smelling like pee all the time? I think if I could find a way around this I would give it a try. There must be a solution. I've also found out about a flushable diaper called G diapers. I've read some reviews on them. That's another option. All I know right now is that I want to do something different than what i'm doing. I just can live with knowing i'm leaving all those diapers behind.
So, i'm open to suggestions and thoughts. From your comments on my last post I see i'm not the only one that cares about decomposing diapers. Thanks guys!

Monday, January 29, 2007

my chip clip baby

So brian was changing her diaper yesterday while i was getting ready. All the sudden i hear this cry - this is usually her happy time, right after i feed her. So i rushed in to see him calming her. He was chuckling.. "i was putting the diaper on and the tab broke off and the elastic hit her leg. she started crying like a second was a delayed reaction" I said out loud "there goes another 500yrs for nothing Lucy!" since i found out it takes 500 yrs for a disposable diaper to decompose..

I thought brian had thrown it away but, he stuck it back in with the diapers. He said it would still work.. This morning i was changing her and knew we were going to take a bath soon. I didn't want to waist another "500yrs" so i used that one. It didn't work. I put some packing tape on it but, while she was playing on the floor gym it came open and her pj's were wet.. so i'm looking around the kitchen.. she only needs it on for like 30 more min... what can i use? what can i use...? so here's what i came up with.. Mom, thought you would appreciate this. Thanks for teaching me to use what i have :)

we put her in the Johnny jump up the other day. She looked soo funny! i could barely get her out she was so far down in the thing. Then later brian informed me that it is for 4 mos and older.. whoops.. sorry Lucy.