
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." matt 13:44

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, June 30, 2006

It's a GIRL!

i love Luci! i'll post details later.. didn't want to leave you hangin'


I just want to remind you that we go at 3:35 for our boy/girl ultrasound. The vote was 10 said girl. 3 said boy (this includes my vote) So stay tuned i will post tonight!! exciting!

Monday, June 26, 2006


I have had such a great birthday this year! I feel like i've been celebrating for a week! (thanks kim!) Her box was soo much fun! it was full of little great packages! The first one was this great bracelet, from chile of course! Easter Island. Then the others were the greatest gift cards Joe Beans, Panera & iTunes. Then the Garden State soundtrack cd! who hoo i've been wanting that for a while! & Some hot tamales of course! that's only 6 boxes.. i can't remeber the 7th one! darn it! oh well. I loved them all! Thanks so much Kim!

Then on my birthday brian and i went to lunch together.. cause you know i love spending time with that boy! He gave me some buisness cards for Bloom. I'm so excited about it cause if i meet someone i want to invite it has all my info on it. They look so good too! Thanks baby! Last night with Karen's help Brian thru me a birthday party too! how fun. We actually did it in the Bloom room it was wonderful! I was so glad to have all my great friends there! Thanks everyone for coming! You have no idea how much i love spending time with you! My brother and his beautiful girlfriend were there too. that was so nice! So glad you were there Will and Mandy! love you both!

I got tons of great goodies.. thanks everyone! Oh how i love gift cards!!! Brian saved his big one till then. He had been secretly working on a website for Bloom which i have been so excited about getting started. and this is a preview snapshot of the home page! it looks amazing! i love it baby! thanks so much for your hard work. It looks soooo cool! Now i just have to find something to say and fill it in, how fun!

What a great birthday! 27 has been a great year! I think it was one of the best!