One day in Ohio
So Kim, Carol and i went to Cedarville Yesterday. Carol had a terrible experience on the bus ride down from Michigan. Note to self: never ride a greyhound. We had an awesome time. We took off at like 10am Wed morning and stopped at Joe Beans of course and got us some delicious sugar free white chocolate mochas (by far the best in town, sorry Daily Grind) and got on the road. We took some cool pictures. I love the Blue Ridge Mountains, they are just so beautiful!
So we decided to listen to The Last Battle: #7 in the Chronicles of Narnia. It is my favorite of them all for sure! but as you know, i love that Lion! I am so excited about the movies coming out soon!! So we talked about tons of stuff. Drama with boys and plans for a chick trip to Chile in 2007 :) tee hee We are soo excited to get back there again. So, Carol tells us that we have 3 choices for dinner, Subway, some pizza place or Mom & Dads. I was like ok, We'll see when we get there. So, we stopped at Tamarack on the way and that was cool. Too bad we'll miss the Renaissance Faire! And on 7 more hours. So we arrive to Cedarville at about 6:30pm? And, oh no, she wasn't kidding about there ONLY BEING 3 CHOICES.. and yes, we ate at Mom & Dads. The place was a glorified "kiosko" i don't know what they are called in english.. it had 3 tables inside and it was hotter inside than out! Ok, so the food was pretty good, and it was accross the street from her dorm so it was all good. Carol it was fun just being with you!
After we had our dinner and looked at Liberty pamplets, (Dr. Gary Habermas goes to Grace by the way, Carol) in the courtyard of Carol's dorm Maddox Hall, Kim and i decided we would just turn around and go back home, so i wouldn't be late for work and so we could sleep in our own beds. We stopped at Walmart for some yarn, which took me way to long to find what i wanted. Thanks for waiting Kim. I love you! We got back to Lychburg at 3:30am Thursday. I made it to work on time, and had a great night! $12 in tips!!Thanks for the good times girls! love you both.