
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." matt 13:44

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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Week one of Recovery

It has been so nice to be home. This week has been difficult tho. I was constipated and having stomach trouble for a little while. I'm just glad that the pain i have now is just soreness from the actual incisions. For a while it was just bloating and stomach trouble. I'm just trying to walk around more and get more excercise. I'm pretty swollen in my belly. It makes me feel fat. The doctor said that it would be that way for a little while. I can start going more places after my 2 weeks are up. I can't wait to go for a walk outside.

I appreciate all you have done for me. Coming to see me and sending cards. It is so special to see the love Jesus has for me thru others. I know He is trying to teach me of His love. I think He's also trying to help me understand my fears and give them to Him. I've been thinking about children alot lately. I am afaid often of having them, raising them and what kind of terrible things might come out in me when they are here.

I had a dream about my dad last night. He was well. I hugged him but i knew he wasn't supposed to be there. I was asking someone to take a picture of us before he realized that he was dead and wasn't supposed to be with us. It was nice to be with him again. I miss him.

i look forward to going outside, taking a walk. driving somewhere. Doing something. For now i stay here. read. eat. sleep. poop. (or not)
Thanks again for your prayers.